ABOUT Samina

Hello! I’m so glad you’re here!

Although I've been a registered dietitian for over a decade now, my journey into this field wasn't a conventional one. In fact, my initial career path led me down a different road entirely—I started out in marketing, working for a major television station in NYC.

Around a year into my marketing career, I had a profound realization: it simply wasn't the right fit for me. Have you ever experienced that feeling, where you know deep down that you're meant for something else? I vividly remember sitting in my cubicle, contemplating my future, and making the courageous decision to pursue my true passion: becoming a dietitian and helping people live healthier lives.

Now, when I say "dream," it wasn't something I'd always aspired to since childhood. In fact, my upbringing was fraught with negative associations surrounding food and body image. Growing up, my father often commented on my weight, urging me to eat more and emphasizing how "skinny" I was. It's a stark reminder that discussing body image in front of children can have lasting effects.

Fast forward to my college years, where I found myself grappling with a severe eating disorder that nearly cost me my life. Over the course of a tumultuous year marked by food restriction, weight obsession, and extreme weight loss, I lost sight of myself and developed an incredibly unhealthy relationship with food—one I feared I could never mend.

It took a visit to the emergency room for me to realize that I needed to make a change. Seeking help, I met with a dietitian who became instrumental in my recovery journey. Through their guidance and support, I was able to reclaim my health and well-being.

This transformative experience ignited within me a profound desire to help others facing similar struggles with disordered eating. Thus, my decision to pursue a career as a dietitian wasn't just about following a passion; it was about paying forward the invaluable support I received and sharing my story as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others.

Today, as I continue on this fulfilling path as a dietitian, I am grateful for the opportunity to help individuals repair their relationship with food and reclaim their lives. And through my journey and experiences, I hope to serve as a source of encouragement and empowerment for anyone facing similar challenges.

about Samina Kalloo, RDN, CDN

mY nuTRITION philosophy

My nutrition philosophy prioritizes holistic well-being, emphasizing a balanced approach to nutrition, respect for cultural preferences, and acknowledgment of individual uniqueness. I also empower my clients to develop their own personalized nutrition philosophies, acting as guiding "compasses" to inform their health and dietary choices at an individual level.

It’s so important to recognize that YOU are in charge of fueling your body mindfully – not a set of restrictive diet rules. Let today be your day to take back control of what you put into your body and get back to the enjoyment of food.